Ive been searching for an app that would calculate projects and thought this was the answer. It does help with very basic projects in a VERY basic way (scarves, mitts, hats, etc.), but I was surprised to find that it doesnt include common projects like blankets, doesnt let you enter your own sizes into the calculator, doesnt separate projects by sex (e.g. Mens gloves - which would help with size), and the list goes on. For a company as well-known as Interweave to create such a limited resource is perplexing. After all, they should know what knitters need. This seems like it was designed by someone who has never touched yarn. In addition, there is NO feedback mechanism in the app or way to request enhancements. Altogether a disappointment. After purchasing this I found a better project calculator on the web. Oh well...
Serenity2 about Knit Handy